On Wednesday we walked from the university into Manchester. On this walk we were meant to be looking around at our urban environment to see what interesting things we could photograph. The camera I used on the walk was my Nikon D3100. Doing this walk helped me to really look around the environment i'm in and start looking round on different levels instead of straight on. On the walk we also did an exercise where we all covered our eyes and just listened to see what it was like to just hear what was going on around us instead of seeing and hearing at the same time. I found this really interesting because when your just listening instead of seeing you sometimes get a very different feeling of your surroundings and pay more attention to what would be going on around you. I think that this walk has helped me a lot by making me more conscious of whats around me and what things I could photograph if I pay more attention to where I am and start exploring the environment I am in, in a lot more detail. Click on the images to see them better quality.
I am happy with the pictures I took on the walk and think it really helped me as a starting point for my own project of 'the city'. I think by taking these pictures that it also is going to help me look and research into which photographers I like best. Next i'm going to start researching photographers then start thinking of ideas for my own project.
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